GlobalChemShow 2024 provides opportunity to professionals to showcase their products, network with peers, and learn about the latest trends & innovations in Chemical Industry.
Event provides opportunities to make new business connections & strengthening relationship with Existing customers.
A perfect platform to launch, promote a new product in front of the entire chemical industry.
The platform to study the tactics of competing companies of your business and never let them ruin your empire.
Reach a targeted audience. More than 20,000 Business visitors are expected to attend the event from all parts of India on single platform.
Cost of Participation:
Shell Scheme:
INDIA ₹ 12,500 /- Per Square Meter
International - $325 Per Square Meter
18% GST Will be applicable
Bare Scheme:
INDIA ₹ 11,500/- Per Square Meter
International - $300 per Square Meter
18% GST Will be applicable